One Hundred And Thirty

After a week in mask land, I think I counted one hundred and thirty masks in the done pile. Finally, I felt accomplished, finished. Then I immediately felt sad. Almost bored. Now what? I just want to make more. The end of the project was a heartbreak. Very similar to a video game. The first time you play, it’s confusing, but exhilarating. You want to keep playing. You beat the first level, the first boss. Then as time goes by it feels familiar. It becomes a part of your life and routine. Once you make it to the end, the master, you know what to do. You win. The credits come up, there is no prize or victory dance. It’s just over.

The most challenging part of this project was accepting the final mask. The last step. I put them all in a heap, and as usual, threw my arms in the air, and said “that’s that.” Looked around the room for my parade, my cheerleaders, my next round. Where is it?

It felt like defeat even though I nailed it. I completed the task. I made all the masks I could make. I even took pictures. Now I get to move on. That feeling of inspiration, motivation and perseverance. It’s my rocket fuel. I want more, I need more.

Lucky for me I have plenty of prompts to choose from. I am very good at finding a new project to fixate on. And even better news, I spent my Sunday like I always do, with my parents and a BBQ! Came home with two containers of leftovers and a string of orange battery powered lights for my apartment. It was a good day.

As for the future, my mom surprised me with a whole lot of fabric. Enough to start my next round of masks. Rock ON.


Super Speed


Round Two